VISION: Leading every member to excellence through lifelong sisterhood.
VALUES: Scholarship, service, leadership, personal excellence and friendship/sisterhood.
PURPOSE: The aim is threefold—intellectually, the highest scholarship; socially, the widest influence for good; and the Moral Code is love.

In 1837, Indiana Asbury College (now DePauw University) was established by the Methodist Church in Greencastle, Indiana. In 1867, Asbury officially opened its doors to women causing quite the uproar from the male student population. Many local townspeople feared the acceptance of females would weaken the college’s reputation. The women were reviled by their teachers, taunted by their classmates and ignored by their girlhood friends who did the “right” thing and attended conservatories for girls. It took these brave pioneers three years to found Kappa Alpha Theta, the first Greek-lettered fraternity for women.
Bettie Locke, the daughter of a professor, was among the first women to enroll at Indiana Asbury in 1867. In her sophomore year Bettie was asked to wear the badge of a local Greek-lettered fraternity. However, once realizing she could not become a member and it was more or less a gesture of support she decided to make her own Greek-lettered fraternity. And so, on February 12, 1870, Kappa Alpha Theta was formally established.
For more information about Kappa Alpha Theta history, visit www.kappaalphatheta.org

Bettie Locke Hamilton

Alice Allen Brant

Bettie Tipton Lindsey

Hannah Fitch Shaw
In 1906, four University of Missouri women began the Delta Psi sorority for the sole purpose of eventually establishing Kappa Alpha Theta at the University. In 1884, a Phi Delta Theta fraternity member thought that the Missouri campus needed more than just Kappa Kappa Gamma, stating "Kappa Alpha Theta is the one we want… I know it!" Just three years later a Beta Theta Pi member wrote to the Alpha chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta that the university was in the need for a "Band of Noble Greeks!" In February of 1906, Delta Psi was officially established, growing to 13 members by June. The next fall they purchased a house, filling it with $200 worth of furniture. Over the next couple of years, Delta Psi worked to get everything in order for an official petition. Meanwhile, many women wrote in with high praises of the soon-to-be Theta girls of Delta Psi. Several other national sororities approached them offering a charter but the Delta Psi women said they wouldn't be anything but Kappa Alpha Theta. In 1909, the Alpha Mu chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta received its official charter. Today, we have over 300 members and are an active part of the University of Missouri.

NATIONAL FOUNDING: January 27, 1870
ALPHA MU FOUNDING: February 12, 1909
COLORS: Black and Gold
SYMBOLS: Kite and Twin Stars
FLOWER: Black and Gold Pansy
MISSION STATEMENT: Yesterday, today and tomorrow Kappa Alpha Theta exists to nurture each member throughout her college and alumnae experience and to offer a lifelong opportunity for social, intellectual and moral growth as she meets the higher and broader demands of mature life.