Meet Alaina Vacante: Our February Leading Woman

Name: Alaina Vacante
Major: Strategic Communications and Political Science
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
What are your career/life goals?
I am not entirely sure the exact profession I will go into, but I do hope to leave a lasting impression on society by helping to provide greater opportunity to those who may not have been provided the same privileges as myself.
What is your favorite part about being a Coke Ambassador?
My favorite part about being involved with Coca-Cola are the relationships this position has allowed me to make with so many different parts of the student body at Mizzou.
Why did you decide to take on this commitment?
Growing up in Atlanta I have always loved the Coca-Cola Company and I could not imagine a better job where I would be able to represent such a great brand as well as get to meet so many people along the way. I also felt that this type of position would help to bolster my experience in the field of strategic communications.
What are your main responsibilities in this job?
My main responsibilities are working with my bottler to provide product for sampling events, working with student life and other campus organizations to hold sampling events of new products being offered, as well as posting on social media promoting the Coca-Cola brand
How has your experiences in Theta changed you?
As a Theta I have been able to grow and push myself to do things I never thought that could achieve. My sisters are always there to support me in all that I do whether I succeed or fail, and for that I am forever grateful
Tell us about why you chose your major?
I chose Journalism because really enjoyed my high school’s broadcasting classes and thought I wanted to be a news anchor. Here I am three years later, happily entrenched in strategic communications and using my creativity in this environment instead. As for Political Science I have always had an interest in public policy and felt that if I someday hoped to instigate change, I need to be further educated on how our systems work.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about many things so it’s very hard to narrow it down. If I had to choose I would say I am passionate about social justice issues, as well as women in leadership, both of which are large topics that are often times intersectional, giving them even greater importance.
What does Theta mean to you?
Theta means a support system, a home away from home, and a place where I truly feel safe and welcomed.
Do you have any advice to the underclassmen?
Take this time in your life to focus on your goals, friendships, and family. Don’t become too caught up in the moment and remember you are here for a greater purpose than finding a formal date.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?
This is probably the most difficult question you’ve asked me – there are so many. But I must say the night we won homecoming my sophomore year was an incredible experience. I have never felt prouder or more bonded with the women in our chapter than at that moment. We had worked together towards a common goal and through our hard work we were able to pull it off. It made me feel like our sisterhood could do anything we set our minds to.