Meet Alli Biver: Our December Leading Woman

Name: Alli Biver
Major: Business with an Emphasis in Marketing
Hometown: Worden, IL
What are your career and life goals?
After graduating, I hope to move to a big city to work in marketing for a while, and then eventually move back home to take over my dad’s organic farm. After working there for many summers growing up, I have come to have a deep love and appreciation for organic farming and I cannot imagine my community without Biver Farms. I hope to one day take over and become more involved in the community by sharing my love for organic farming, providing education and resources, and advocating for more people, especially women, to become small farmers. When it comes to life goals, all I can say is that I hope to lead a life that is extremely fulfilling and enriching, whatever that may look like for me down the road.
What is your favorite part about your major and why did you choose it?
I was initially drawn to business in high school because of a program I did senior year that gave me hands-on experience and learning opportunities from businesses in my local community. Since coming to Mizzou and being in the Trulaske College of Business, I have come to love the well-rounded education and resources we have for personal and professional development in the business school. I am also a member of the Cornell Leadership Program which has given me ample opportunities to network and develop myself as a leader.
What are you most excited for as our new president?
It's so hard to name what I am most excited for because everything excites me, but one thing that I am excited for is the opportunity to lead our chapter and watch all of our members grow and develop throughout this upcoming year alongside the amazing women selected to serve with me on the executive board.

What organizations or hobbies are you passionate about?
An organization that I am extremely passionate about on campus is Letters of Love. This past year I founded Letters of Love at Mizzou alongside my good friend Lucas Stowe. Letters of love is a global organization whose main purpose is to provide children battling serious illnesses with love and friendship through handwritten cards. At Mizzou, Letters of Love strives to create a loving community of students who are united through the small acts of kindness that we provide to those who need it most. Since our start last semester, we have been able to make over 750 cards and have our hopes set high for the future!
How have your experiences in Theta changed you?
I can confidently say that I would not be where I am today without Theta. In Theta I am surrounded by the most supportive sisterhood and my experiences in Theta have allowed me to grow as an individual, a leader, and as a friend. Being in Theta has also exposed me to the most driven, involved, loving, passionate, and confident women and these amazing women inspire me to do better and be better every day.
What does Theta mean to you?
To me, Theta is not only a place where our members are driven to succeed in academics, leadership, service, and personal excellence, but also a place where we support each other, laugh with each other, cry with each other, and where we are encourage each other to grow into the strong, confident women that we are meant to be.
Do you have any advice for the underclassmen?
My advice for underclassmen would be to get involved and try so many different things. College is a time where you learn so much about yourself, your passions, dreams, and aspirations so take this precious time to try anything you are interested in. This can include organizations, hobbies, classes, and more. As you go through college, you can really hone in on what resonates with you and learn what you are truly passionate about.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?
Choosing a specific Theta memory is hard as I have so many amazing ones, but in general I would say that I have loved living in the Theta house for a year and a half now. I have the best times living with my little, Rebecca, and I also love having all of my best friends so close!