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Meet Chloe Jacobson: Our October Leading Woman

Name: Chloe Jacobson

Major: Nursing

Hometown: Oak Park, Illinois

What are your career/life goals? I plan to dedicate my life to helping others through nursing! I am unsure what nursing speciality I want to go into, however the ED and Pediatrics interest me. I want to travel the world and see all the places I have read about in books and eat all the yummy food I can find.

What is your favorite part about Nursing? / Tell us about why you chose your major? My favorite part of nursing is the fact that I get to improve someone’s life. I know that nursing will not always be the most glamorous job, but I believe it is such an honor to care for others as they go through a very hard or traumatic event. I chose nursing because of this. Even in clinical, I love being able to use the skills I learn during lab to take care of my patient holistically. It is very fulfilling.

Why did you decide to become involved in Summer Welcome? I chose to become a Summer Welcome leader because of the impact my Summer Welcome experience had on me. I was very nervous about coming to college, but being introduced to Mizzou before classes during Summer Welcome made me feel at ease. It also introduced me to some friends that I still keep in contact with today! I wanted to provide that environment for the incoming students, to help them feel like Mizzou can be their home.

What is your favorite part about Summer Welcome? My favorite part of Summer Welcome is 100% the people. I was fortunate enough to be a leader for two summers. This allowed me to meet so many students and staff. My coworkers made my summers, and I have forged some of the closest friendships throughout them. I’m even going to be roommates with another Summer Welcome Leader next year! I also felt so blessed being able to make friendships with incoming students. Whenever I see them on campus, I take the time to stop and talk with them and catch up about their time here. They know that I am always a resource for them, even though summer is over, which means a lot to me.

What other organizations or hobbies are you passionate about? I am a big proponent of self care! One of the ways I practice this is by reading. I absolutely LOVE reading, and one of my future goals is to have a mini library in my house. Self care can look different for each person, but I believe that it is a vital part of life, and should be included in one’s everyday schedule. Being in college is extremely difficult, so taking care of yourself must be a priority,

How have your experiences in Theta changed you? Theta has brought so many amazing people into my life. I feel like I am constantly surrounded by love, and it only grows each and every day as I get to know more members. I feel so lucky that I have been able to live in the facility for a second year, because I get to become closer with the younger member classes. Especially during the pandemic, relationships with others are so important, and Theta has cultivated an environment for my friendships to thrive.

What does Theta mean to you? Theta means so much to me, more than I can even put into words. I was a lot more shy and insecure in high school, but being in college and being a Theta has changed that. Because of Theta, people were brought into my life that showed me how to love myself and others. I will forever be thankful for Theta for being the shoulder to cry on when I need it, and being my number one cheerleader when I succeed.

What advice would you give to your younger self? Or MC ‘21? If I could give any advice to my younger self, it would be to take care of myself more. Like I said before, being in college can be very difficult. We need to take care of ourselves. One of my mantra’s for this year has been “you can’t pour from a glass that’s empty.” This has helped guide me in nursing school while working two jobs because I often skip out on sleeping or resting to get all my work done. However, especially in a field such as nursing, you cannot take care of others if you are not taking care of yourself. There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first sometimes. After all, you are the only person you spend 24/7 with, so you might as well take care of yourself and love yourself.

Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory? One Theta memory that I will never forget was when I was accepted into Nursing School. I remember opening the email by myself in the formal library, seeing I got in, and then running around the house telling my friends. Everyone was screaming and clapping, and then we did a photoshoot on the front porch of me in my “Mizzou Nursing” tshirt. After, everyone kept congratulating me and telling me how happy they were for me. It is a memory I hold close to my heart, and I often think back to it when Nursing School gets very stressful. The love and support I felt in those moments are indescribable.


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