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Meet Grace Breeding: Our February Leading Woman

Major: Agribusiness Management

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

What are your career/life goals?

My ultimate end goal is to own my own flower shop. I have been working at my aunt’s flower shop in St. Louis since I was 16. Working at my aunt’s flower shop soon became something I knew I couldn’t live life without doing, it is something where it doesn’t feel like work to me. While this is probably not the goal right after I get out of college I am super for my futures and to embark on all things floral.

What is your favorite part about your major and why did you choose it?

My favorite thing about being an Agribusiness Management major is the community of people within the major. I have classes with the same people that I had classes with freshman year. These people have become such great friends and people who make class exciting and help my learning experience a lot. Another thing I love about Agribusiness Management is that I learn a new thing every day. Being from a city background I have learned so much about the agricultural industry which I really love to learn about. This love of learning about agriculture is why I chose to go into agribusiness management. Another reason I chose my major is the knowledge I can learn about the floral industry to aid myself in the future.

Why did you decide to get involved in RAMS?

I wanted to get involved with RAMS for many reasons but the first being because I had seen Peyton Jones (MC 17) being involved with it and it looked like she had always had such a great time being a part of the organization. My sophomore year, Olivia Reynolds (MC 19) had convinced me to submit an application to be on the steering committee. Thanks to those two lovely ladies in Theta, I have found one of the most rewarding organizations on campus, that I am absolutely so proud to be a part of.

What is your favorite part about this RAMS?

I have so many favorite parts about RAMS it is hard to narrow down just to one. However I think my favorite part about RAMS is seeing the direct effect the money we raise helps our clients with MS. The money we raise in RAMS goes directly to our clients for things that insurance can not afford. The money we raise for clients helps buy life changing equipment that improves their lives immensely. Not only is this such a rewarding feeling but I get to do it with the rest of the directors and our steering committee which are some of the most amazing people I have ever met, including some lovely Theta women as well.

What other organizations or hobbies are you passionate about?

Some things I am super passionate about is cooking. I absolutely look to cook and it is something I gravitate towards when I am anxious or stressed out. Another reason why I am so passionate about cooking is because it is something my dad taught me how to do and I love getting to cook with him when I am at home.

Another thing I am super passionate about is getting to know new people. I love to listen and hear about other people's lives and stories and is one of the reasons I love Theta so much, there are so many different people to meet and interact with, each one with a different story and personality.

How have your experiences in Theta changed you?

There are absolutely so many ways my experiences in Theta have changed me in the best way possible. However I believe the biggest change I have seen in myself is that Theta has pushed me to keep being involved and strive for excellence. In high school, I was involved in anything and everything, and by the time college rolled around I felt burnt out by all things that included involvement. However, being surrounded by all these women who strive for excellence and leadership it is hard not to be inspired to keep pushing to be involved and a leader. With the help of Theta I have continued my potential to be a leader around campus and do things outside of my comfort zone.

What does Theta mean to you?

Theta to me means a home away from home. The women I have met in Theta have truly become like my second family. These women are people who are always there to be a shoulder to cry on, always there to share a laugh, or even just someone who is always down to get a McDonald’s Diet Coke with. These women love me unconditionally no matter what and I could not be more grateful I met every single one of them.

Do you have any advice for the underclassmen?

There is so much advice I could give I could probably write a whole page for this question. However I think the best advice I can give is take every opportunity you possibly can, you never know what it will lead you to. And my second piece of advice is to spend as much time as you can with your friends. The friends I have made in Theta have made my college experience, they have made Mizzou feel like home, I would not trade these people for the world and I will be spending as much time with them as I can until we graduate. :’) My last piece of advice is get to know upperclassmen, all of the relationships I made with MC 16, 17, & 18 are some of the best, they always give the best advice and always make me feel like I belong.

Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?

There are so many memories it is really hard to just choose one. One specific memory that is most definitely one of my favorites is when I was a freshman and came to the house and there was a group of upperclassmen in the TV room playing mafia. At the time no one knew who I was but they invited me to play with them and it was such a fun experience. Getting to know all of those upperclassmen was such an awesome moment, they made me feel included and made me feel at home. And that what Theta is and always will be to me, my home away from home.



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603 Kentucky Blvd Columbia, MO

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