Meet Harper Sinclair: Our April Leading Woman

Name: Harper Sinclair
Major: Journalism with an emphasis in Strategic Communication + Minor in Art
Hometown: Platte City, MO
What are your career/life goals?
Post-grad, I hope to work at an advertising agency as either a graphic designer or art director. Ideally, the game plan is to work somewhere in Kansas City!
What is your favorite part about Strategic Communication? / Tell us about why you chose your major?
I knew from a pretty young age that journalism was the route for me. I felt at home in my high school yearbook room. It wasn’t until learning about the Strategic Communication program where I knew for sure that was what I was meant to do. Strat Comm combines what I loved in yearbook (design, photography, creating a concept/theme for the book) with how it would apply in the marketing world.
Why did you decide to get involved in Relevant Youth?
As a Strat Comm student, I felt a real gap between me and furthering my experience outside of my classes. So many other J School kids were involved in KOMU or the Maneater. I felt like I was falling behind. Then, a Theta upperclassman told me about Relevant Youth. I decided to shoot my shot and apply. To my surprise, I was given a leadership role as a new member. I am currently a Creative Lead for a client team where I get to oversee graphic designers, copywriters, photographers, and strategists.
What is your favorite part about Relevant Youth?
Relevant Youth has helped provide me with agency experience that is so valuable as I near having to search for a big girl job. I know I can design, but it was the more administrative things I wasn’t so confident about. Being a Creative Lead, I have been given a space to grow and learn as a leader and as a professional. I still have much learning to do, but Relevant Youth has definitely jump started my career in a way that makes me so excited for what my future holds.
What other organizations or hobbies are you passionate about?
Outside of graphic design, I am super passionate about interior design. Like putting together a gallery wall is my definition of a good time. Another passion I have recently discovered is painting. I’m sure any of my friends would tell you I love a good craft. I am an avid coffee drinker, playlist enthusiast, and reality TV connoisseur.
How have your experiences in Theta changed you?
Theta has made me significantly more confident in myself and the work I am capable of. Even when I don’t believe in myself or feel like I am particularly impressive in any way, there is always someone in Theta there reminding me that what I do is special and worth being proud of.
What does Theta mean to you?
Theta to me is all about having people around you that are pushing you and supporting you to be your best, but are also there to pick you up when you need it. Theta has provided me with space to explore what I love. Through Theta, I have been able to grow as a graphic designer through my experience on merch and advertising committees, social media committees, and other miscellaneous projects that Theta has made available to me. Theta celebrates you for who you are, unconditionally.
Do you have any advice for the underclassmen? (if they are an upperclassmen)
Don't be afraid to say yes. But also, it’s ok to say no sometimes. Push yourself out of your comfort zone when you can, but also know it’s ok to take a step back.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?
Some of my favorite memories in Theta have been made in the second floor fourman. In the time of covid, online classes, and no Theta events, that fourman was basically my roommates and I’s whole world. We hung crystals in the window so our days would be spent with little rainbows scattered across the room. The floor doubled as a paint studio for Emily Williams and I where we would scatter paint, brushes, cups, and plates across the ground, playing Harry Potter movies, while we sat side by side attempting to finish projects for our art class. I would frequently be seen hanging my head out the window, surveying what was happening in greek town or searching for a greek town parking spot. Chick Fil A picnics were frequent, where we’d sit in a circle on the floor and talk all through the night. Although college was anything but normal that year, that room made up for it all.