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Meet Martha Seaton and Mia Marchiori: Our September Leading Women

Name: Martha Seaton

Major: Textile and Apparel Management

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

What are your career/life goals?

I would love to be a buyer in the fashion industry! Ideally, I would enjoy living in Georgetown, Charleston, Savannah, or Boston. A cute coastal town basically. However, I will realistically end up where my friends or family are, and hopefully have a family of my own one day.

What is your favorite part about your major and why did you choose it?

I chose my major when I was a junior in high school, knowing I had a natural understanding of global fashion trends and consumer habits. My favorite part about it is the community and the resources available! My favorite class ever is Ethics in Fashion and I recommend that everyone take it if possible.

You are one of this year’s New Member Directors! Can you tell us a little about what this role means to you and what your experience has been like thus far?

This role means everything to Mia and me! I felt so overwhelmed on my bid day and was aching for home. The main people who got me through that tough time were my new member directors. I grew close with them and I even lived with one of them my sophomore year! It was important for me to make sure that I could care for the girls who had a similar experience to mine. It is incredibly humbling to work in service of the new members and create the best experience I can for them!

What organizations or hobbies are you passionate about?

Recently, I have been trying to foster old hobbies I used to love. I created a reading Instagram account where I rate the books I’m reading (@martha.reads.books). I try to go on at least one walk a day and one yoga class a week to reflect and soak in the solitude! Lastly, I started horseback riding again this year and it has been so fun.

How have your experiences in Theta changed you?

I have never felt static during my time in Theta. I am constantly being formed and learning things about myself. I never would have thought about studying abroad if it weren’t for Theta. I never would have realized my capability as a leader if it weren’t for Theta. I am much more confident now compared to freshman year with the foundation that Theta has provided me.

What does Theta mean to you?

I want to say something really specific, but I think it is just the little things that mean the most. Car drives, movie nights at the house, every initiation, deep convos with anyone in my member class. All of these have shown me what sisterhood is and have taught me what I am worth. Theta is family! It is the place I have always felt accepted and that feeling is priceless.

Do you have any advice for the underclassmen?

It’s okay to say no to people or invitations when it serves you best--you literally can’t please everyone or commit to everything. Taking care of yourself enables you to care for others.

Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?

The pledge ceremony after bid day! I met Mia Marchiori and she invited me to go to Target with these random other girls. We all became best friends and we always will be!! These girls will be sitting front row at my wedding.

Name: Mia Marchiori

Major: Journalism - Strategic Communications

Hometown: Glenview, IL

You are one of this year’s New Member Directors! Can you tell us a little about what this role means to you and what your experience has been like thus far?

Being a New Member Director has been one of the most rewarding positions I could ask for. I get the opportunity to make the place that has pushed me, inspired and made me feel welcome, a home for 80 new girls. I have enjoyed getting to know the new members, but more so being a support and encouragement to them during a struggling transition. MC 23 makes my heart melt!

What does Theta mean to you?

Theta means love. Theta for me has always meant an authentic sense of self and acts of kindness toward others.

Do you have any advice for the underclassmen?

My advice to underclassmen would be to live and learn. Always stay curious: learn about other people, ask any and all questions, and experience what you can for yourself. Seek the truth and act in love.

Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?

My favorite Theta memory would probably be Shryocks during I-week my freshman year where I met my now best friends. We drove through the prettiest winding roads listening to Billy Joel — I was at ease knowing I had found my people.



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603 Kentucky Blvd Columbia, MO

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