Meet Natalie Camilleri: Our November Leading Woman

Name: Natalie Camilleri
Major: Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
What are your career/life goals? After graduating from Mizzou with my MBA, I plan to move to a big city and work as a Systems Engineer or Project Manager in either the manufacturing or transportation industry. I eventually would like to move up to a senior executive role and be able to travel around the world and meet new people.
What is your favorite part about your major? / Tell us about why you chose your major? I chose to pursue engineering because I have always loved problem-solving, and math and science have always come easy to me. I always knew I wanted to be an engineer, but in the long run I didn't see myself crunching numbers at a desk all day. I chose Industrial Engineering because it combines technical engineering skills with business insight to look at the bigger picture of things. I get the best of both worlds by combining my love for problem solving and working with people, and it will hopefully open a lot of doors for different career opportunities.
Why did you decide to become involved in the Society of Women Engineers? Since my major is pretty small, I wanted to be a part of an organization that would allow me to meet more like-minded people outside of my classes. SWE has given me the opportunity to create a support group of girls who share the same mindset as I do and who have helped push me to pursue what I am passionate about.
What is your favorite part about the Society of Women Engineers? My favorite part about SWE is being the Outreach Director and getting to work with elementary and middle school-aged kids who are interested in STEM. As director I get to plan fun, interactive activities for kids and help them explore what they are passionate about. SWE has also given me the opportunity to network and meet people from all over the United States! I recently attended the SWE national conference in Indianapolis, and I was able to meet other students from across the country. I also had the opportunity to network with companies particularly looking to hire women engineers in their fields.
What other organizations or hobbies are you passionate about? I am also involved in Mizzou Alternative Breaks! I went on a week-long service trip my freshman year to New Orleans, and this past year I was a weekend site leader. In my free time, I like to teach swim lessons, go to the gym, and spend time outside.
How have your experiences in Theta changed you? Theta has given me the best role models who have helped me be who I am today. I seriously don’t know what I would do without my roommates, friends, and my pledge family. My relationships in Theta have allowed me to create the best support system who have helped me to be the best version of myself.
What does Theta mean to you? Theta means allowing me the opportunity to find my best friends, role models, and future bridesmaids. It is having a huge support system of girls who are willing to drop anything to be there for you when you're down and will help you stand back up. I know that even after graduation, I will always have a strong Theta support system.
What advice would you give to MC ‘21? My best advice is to reach out to girls in other MCs and get to know them, especially living in the house! It was hard for me living in the house during the year of COVID, but I wish I would have reached out to other girls living in and been able to get to know them better. My best advice would be to spend time at the house, eat meals in the kitchen with other girls, and reach out to people in other pledge classes.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory? My favorite Theta memory was my first game day freshman year! The night before the first game day we had Camp Theta, and after the event I spent the night at the house with other girls in my pledge class. The next day we all woke up together and got ready before the first game day of the year. It was such a fun way to start off my freshman year, and I will never forget the fun we had getting ready, taking pictures on the patio, and going to the tailgates together.