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Meet Our July Alumna Spotlight: Maddie McMillian Green

Our July Alumna Spotlight features Maddie McMillian Green! Read more to hear about what she's been up to since she graduated from Mizzou in December 2016!

Name: Maddie McMillian Green

Theta member class: MC 2013

When did you graduate from Mizzou? December 2016 (undergrad); May 2021 (law school)

Major/Degree: Bachelor’s degrees in Economics & Political Science; Juris Doctor

Hometown: Farmington, MO

Where do you live now? St. Louis, MO

Where do you work right now and what have you been up to since graduation?

I’m currently a Principal at Husch Blackwell Strategies (HBS) in Jefferson City. HBS is one of the largest networks of state lobbyists in the country, with offices in 10 states and Washington, D.C.  In this role, I get to represent clients like the University of Missouri, Meta, and Nucor in the Missouri State Capitol. Previously, I spent about five years working in state government, first in the Missouri Governor’s Office and, after law school, in the Missouri Attorney General’s Office. 

What's your favorite thing about your job?

My job is all about building and maintaining relationships (with elected officials, government employees, clients, and colleagues), which I find both enjoyable and meaningful. 

What's your favorite thing about the city you live in?

I love that St. Louis is a big city with a small town feel. There is so much to do here – my husband and I love catching a Blues game downtown, watching a musical at the Fox or the Muny, visiting the Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings, exploring Forest Park, and especially trying new restaurants. At the same time, our neighborhood is really close-knit and most people still have that Midwestern politeness - the kind that smile when you make eye contact and hold the door for you and say “ope” when they bump into you at the grocery store. We also love that we’re only an hour away from our hometown. 

Can you tell us a little about the R.A.H Award? What does this award mean to you? 

The Mizzou R.A.H. Award, given by the Mizzou Alumni Association, recognizes alumni under 35 for “exceptional professional achievement and a demonstrated record of volunteerism.” It was an honor to receive the award, especially alongside Theta sister Mariah Mathews. Mizzou is probably my favorite place in the world so to be recognized in this way is really special. 

What do you do in your free time?

My husband and I had our first child in December so our free time looks a little different these days! I enjoy taking group fitness classes at OrangeTheory and Materra Method, finding new coffee shops and catching up with girlfriends, and spending time outside with our dog, Millie. 

Do you have any other future career or life goals:

I think becoming a mother has shifted my perspective on career goal setting. I’ve been wrestling a bit lately with what it looks like to be a present parent while also having an impactful career. I’m so grateful that I have a job that is both fulfilling and flexible so that I can spend a lot of time at home with my family during less-busy seasons. But I’m not sure what that looks like in 10 years or 5 years or even 2 years. Right now, I’m focused on doing my very best for my clients while also soaking up as much time as possible with my girl. She is growing so fast!

What do you miss most about Theta?

I lived in the Theta house for two and a half years in college and loved every minute of it. Now, all of my sorority sisters are living such full lives with fabulous careers and families, and it’s tough to find the time to see each other. I’d give anything for one more night in 603 with all my best friends. 

What is one thing you took away from being a part of Theta in college that has shaped you into the woman you are today?

I owe so much of who I am today – my opportunities, successes, and friendships – to Theta. One thing that sticks out to me as particularly impactful was time spent with my advisors, specifically Rebecca Jones. Rebecca served as Advisory Board Chair of Alpha Mu when I served as president of the chapter. We met one year earlier when she encouraged me to make myself available for a VP-level position. In a chapter full of high-achieving women, I was satisfied being a follower. I thought a leadership role was out of reach, but she saw potential (ever so slight!). Over the next two years, Rebecca invested countless hours into helping me become a better leader, a better human. I’m grateful for the time I was able to spend with her and all of my advisors. I loved learning from her - I still do. 

Do you have a favorite Theta memory?

Initiating my baby cousin into Alpha Mu was particularly special.



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