Meet Our March Alumna Spotlight: Lauren Zima
Living and working at Entertainment Tonight in Los Angeles, Calif., our March Alumna Spotlight, Lauren Zima, keeps us up to date with her life after graduation. Since moving to Los Angeles, she has worked as a correspondent and also managed to grow an online video team. Along with that, she created and hosts Entertainment Tonight's (ET) top digital video series which became a segment on their broadcast show called Roses and Rose.
Continue reading to find out more about Lauren Zima's time at Kappa Alpha Theta here at Mizzou and how she got to where she is now!

Theta pledge class: 2005
When you graduated from Mizzou: Bachelor’s of Magazine Journalism (2009) & Master’s Degree in Broadcast Journalism (2010)
Hometown: Elgin, IL
Where you live now: Los Angeles, CA
Where do you work right now/what have you been up to since graduation? I’m a correspondent at Entertainment Tonight, the No. 1 entertainment news show. I cover all things Hollywood: movies, TV, awards shows and more. In my time at ET, I’ve also managed and grown our online video team, and created and hosted our top digital video series which became a segment on our broadcast show.
What's your favorite thing about your job? Uncovering people’s stories and what they’ve learned from their experiences. I interview artists and creators at the top of their game, so they are captivating people to talk to.
What are you passionate about? Entertaining people and making them feel positive and hopeful.
What do you do in your free time? It’s tough to determine my “free” time because I love my work, and I work a lot! I believe in trying to find a job that you love.
Other future career/life goals: To create television and film of my own.
What do you miss most about Mizzou? Living with the incredible women at the Theta house! Cherish those years and make memories, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
What do you miss most about Theta? Homecoming, Greek Week and Recruitment skits – I had some of my best laughs and silliest times writing them.
What is one thing you took away from being a part of Theta in college that has shaped you into the woman you are today? Theta taught me that surrounding myself with incredible women wouldn’t just mean support and laughter and love, it would also mean becoming a better person myself. These successful, driven women who became my sisters have encouraged me and challenged me to be better.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory? I’ll choose a moment of wisdom that stuck with me. At chapter, seniors would stand up each week and give advice. One advised us to prioritize our friendships in college, not our dating lives. That was excellent advice; the romances have come and gone, but I’m still friends with the same wonderful women over 10 years later.
Anything else you'd like to add? Another thing I love about Theta women is how involved we all were. Join groups at Mizzou, try new things – college is the time to discover yourself through experience. Enjoy!