Meet Sonya Schwer and Miranda Knittel: Our July Leading Women

Name: Sonya Schwer
Major: Animal Science & Agriculture Business
Hometown: Saint Louis, Missouri
What are your career/life goals?
I’d like to work in extensive animal medicine development and research, and maybe even sales! The veterinary pharmaceutical industry interests me, and I've committed to improving the quality of life for animals. My goal is, hopefully, to work for Purina! Possibly, after furthering my career, I’d like to return to my home country of Fiji and give back to the animals there, as there is little to no veterinary care in developing countries.
What is your favorite part of your major, and why did you choose it?
My favorite part about Animal Sciences is how hands-on our classes and labs are; as a freshman, you get real-life experience in a year-long course called Biology of Animal Production, where students learn at six different production farms throughout the year. The course is based on the internal and external anatomy of common production animals, genetics, breeding, nutrition, ethics, housing, behavior, and a history of agriculture. As for the agriculture business, the trends in different animal industries are exciting, as seen from a historical and production standpoint. The United States has enormous export markets globally, and it is a great accomplishment to know how many humans we feed in various countries. I chose Animal Sciences initially because I aspired to be a veterinarian. Still, I quickly realized that I had a great interest in agriculture and that there were many other great career options for bettering the quality of life of animals.
What organizations or hobbies are you passionate about?
At Mizzou, I've found many organizations that help develop my passions! I’m an Ambassador for the College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources. Meeting with prospective students and their families has been incredibly rewarding, as I was a panelist during Meet Mizzou Days and Admitted Students Day and facilitated tours. I’m also an Outreach Student Recruitment Team member, similar to being a CAFNR Ambassador, except I get to brag about Mizzou and travel to states that typically have students interested in becoming a tiger! Within Mizzou’s Greek life community, I've found ways to get involved within Theta and Panhellenic, serving on the Panhellenic Association’s Public Relations board and producing content for the Instagram and TikTok pages. I’m also a member of the Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society, which allows me to network and meet other students who are passionate about other fields concerning biology.
What was your experience like at the Theta Emerging Leaders Institute this summer?
I loved my time at the University of Maryland, at the Emerging Leaders Institute held by Kappa Alpha Theta HQ. I wanted to attend this conference because I previously held positions in Theta. Still, I wanted to learn how to fine-tune my leadership qualities and better myself as a leader and a sister. Being surrounded by many inspiring young women was a profound experience, reinforcing the powerful bond of Theta's love, empowerment, and strength. Over the four days I spent there, we did various exercises. We reflected on presentations to make us think broadly, explore ethics, find strength in vulnerability, and learn how to make choices, keeping different backgrounds in mind. This organization embodies the fraternity ideals of leadership potential, personal excellence, intellectual curiosity, and commitment to service, nurturing these qualities in each member across North America! This institute has been a remarkable opportunity to meet and connect with amazing women who are destined to achieve great things. I cherished every moment spent with my sisters this weekend, and leaving was the most bittersweet feeling! This program holds a special place in my heart, filled with vulnerability, laughter, empowerment, and inspiration unlike anything else.

How have your experiences in Theta changed you?
Going into recruitment, I was told that I should look for the girls I want to grow up to be, and I can, without a doubt, say that not a day goes by in Theta where I don't hear or see something inspiring about another member. The girls in this house push each other to be the best version of themselves every day, whether academically, personally, or in the workforce. After my first year, I have become more grounded and genuine and learned a deeper meaning of loving others well. Not to mention how much my professional skills have been developed.
What does Theta mean to you?
Theta reflects what we stand for: personal excellence, academic curiosity, leadership potential, and commitment to service. I feel fortunate to be in a sorority that reflects its values through and through, strengthening them in every member. You see girls leading in organizations throughout campus and in the real world; we strive for excellence in everything we participate in throughout the school year. Academics are no doubt a priority with so many resources and helpful hands around, and this house is genuinely filled with selfless young women who want to make this world a better place for the generations after us. Every time I come into the house, I'm met with so much love, and I interact with sisters in all member classes who want to connect with me deeply. Theta, to me, is the purest and most potent environment of women's love that I've been met with.
Do you have any advice for first-year students?
My advice to young women in college would be to join the house that you know will develop and grow you into who you strive to be, and when going through recruitment, just be the most authentic version of yourself. You will excel in the house that chose you for who you are. Also, don't treat talking to actives as an interview; treat it as a conversation because that's all it is. It's just a chance to get to know your beautiful self! Outside of recruitment, please take care of yourself; it's OKAY to choose YOU. You must listen to your body and soul and stay true to your morals. Don’t get into the habit of skipping class; take long walks around campus, explore your faith, get to know those strangers sitting by you in class, and drink your water!!
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?
My favorite memory within Theta was big-little reveal! During recruitment, I met one of my bigs, Olivia, and talking to her during the Philanthropy round made me realize I was already home; talking to her was so exciting. When the round ended, I told her that I didn’t want to stop talking to her, and she felt the same. I met my other big, Ellie, on bid day and fell in love with Theta all over again when I quickly saw how hilarious she was and her ability to make me belly laugh within an hour of knowing me! I knew that if I were to get one of them as my bigs, I'd get the other, but they tricked me during the week leading up to reveal by convincing me that I only had one big. It's all fun and games; to be fair, they made up for the trickery by showering me with gifts, but when they ran out the door towards me at the level, I was genuinely so happy I could have cried. From day one, they took me under their wings, taught me so much, and shared many laughs, tears, and love, and I will always treasure them. No matter how old I get, I know I'll always be their baby, and we always have each other.

Name: Miranda Knittel
Major: Nursing
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
What are your career/life goals?
My career goal is to eventually get my doctorate of nursing practice and be a nurse practitioner with that. More specifically, I want to specialize in pediatric orthopedics.
What is your favorite part about your major and why did you choose it?
My favorite part of my major is how challenging it is. One of my personal strengths is being an achiever and a learner and due to this, it allows me to constantly be pushing myself to be successful within this major. I chose to be a nursing major because of my spinal fusion surgery that I received in June 2020. Due to this procedure, it has made me extremely passionate about providing care for kids who were in the same/similar positions as I was 4 years ago.
What organizations or hobbies are you passionate about?
Over the summer, I recently started a new job providing Reggio therapy with children (6 years of age or younger) on the autism spectrum. This not only further deepened my passion towards working and helping kids, but it also taught me how to be patient as well as how important advocacy is in any setting I may work in. The most rewarding part of this job is when the client I work with starts making progress towards being on their own in preschool or kindergarten. I also find it thrilling when a client is making progress towards being able to communicate on their own and I can help them by using my words to speak full sentences for them to fulfill their needs.
What was your experience like at the Theta Emerging Leaders Institute this summer?
My experience at ELI in a nutshell was life-changing. I went to ELI to further develop my leadership skills, and because Sophia Schwartz & Reagan Swatosh (my big & gg big) recommended to me that I would be a good fit for this program. At ELI there was a mixture of general sessions with everyone and small group activities with our assigned groups. Overall, ELI honestly opened my eyes more to the world of leadership and how to be a good leader that can leave a lasting impact on people. It also helped develop my leadership skills to aid me in potential positions within my chapter.
How have your experiences in Theta changed you?
My experiences in Theta helped change me as a person because I was able to find a community of like-minded women that all have a similar drive as me. It also helped me make Mizzou feel like home compared to when I first arrived on campus last fall. Theta has also taught me to “share the mic” with others and that it’s nice when other people who are also as passionate as I am want to take charge and make a change in the community around them.
What does Theta mean to you?
To me, this group of women has allowed me to learn the importance of being an authentic and genuine human being.
Do you have any advice for first-year students?
Your freshman year is going to be tough, but it’s important to persevere and focus on finding your group of people. It’s also important to note that adulting can be hard and it is ALWAYS okay to ask for help and guidance especially in such a vulnerable time in our lives.
Do you have a specific favorite Theta memory?
My favorite Theta memory is Big/Little Reveal Fall 2023 because I got to meet one of my forever best friends and meet the most supportive pledge family in the world.