If you ask any member of our chapter what sisterhood means to them, you would receive a wide variety of answers. You would also find that there is a common theme among all of them – faith, hope, and love. Our sisterhood involves having faith in each other, hope for the future, and loving each member for who they are. These values are the foundation of our chapter. Through highs and lows, Theta is a home away from home for all of our members. At 603 Kentucky Boulevard, there is always a sister and friend who loves you.

Homecoming is the most exciting time of the year at MU - some have even said that it is better than Christmas! Every year, the members of our chapter are paired with one or more fraternities on campus to create Campus Decorations, perform a skit and dance, walk in a parade, and more! We love homecoming at MU!

Rockin' Against Multiple Sclerosis (RAMS) is a student-run philanthropic organization that benefits the MS Institute of Mid-Missouri. Members participate in Service Day, a lip-synching dance competition called Rock It, sport competitions, Speaker Night and more!

Formal is held towards the end of the spring semester and is much like semi formal in the winter. Members are invited to dress up and enjoy a night at a nice venue in Columbia with friends and a date.

Another tradition in Greek Life at MU is Hayride. There's nothing quite like fall in Mid-Missouri, so we grab our flannel shirts, boots, and a friend, and head out for a bonfire and old-fashioned hayride. This usually falls right around Halloween, and has also served as our annual spooky social, KATs and Bats!

Every fall and spring, members invite mothers, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers and more to share a weekend in Columbia. Entertainment events such as a MU Football, trivia nights and/or brunch are held at the chapter facility and at various venues in Columbia throughout the weekend.

Every semester, various themed date parties and socials are held. These may be mixers with other sororities or fraternities, a fun-themed date party or even a "crush" party where members are invited to bring dates around the Valentine's holiday. Every event is an opportunity to have fun with friends and bond as a chapter!

Greek Week is the somewhat spring equivalent of Homecoming. Again, the members of our chapter are paired with one or more fraternities on campus for friendly Greek competition. Members compete through service participation, dodgeball, flag football, skit, and more. Perhaps the most fun is dressing in theme to cheer on your pairing!

Semi Formal is the final and most formal social event of the fall semester. Members attend a dance-centered event at a venue in Columbia for a night of fun with other members and a guest, if they so choose. It is a night to dress up and enjoy time with friends before finals begin.

Every fall around initiation, new members receive a "Big" sister - a mentor in the pledge class above their own. Members discover their big during a reveal held at the chapter facility where big and little pairs dress in theme or in matching outfits for a day of fun and sisterhood.